Andras Lab

Website of the lab of Professor Peter Andras

Evolution of Complex Systems

15 lectures on the evolution of complex systems considering such systems as abstract communication systems. This approach is built on the conceptual foundations set by Francisco Varela, Humberto Maturana and Niklas Luhmann.

  1. Introduction (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
  2. Definition of systems (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  3. Theoretical foundations  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  4. Cell and genome  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  5. Organism and nervous system  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  6. Brain and mind  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  7. Society, education, religion and science  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  8. Politics and law  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  9. Economy and money  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  10. Technological systems  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  11. Advanced concepts  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  12. The evolution of science  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  13. The joint evolution of politics and economics   (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  14. Cells and multi-cellular organisms  (Video lectures: Part 1, Part 2)
  15. Concluding summary  (Video lecture)

YouTube video lecture series link